Subway Validation Results for Portugal

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Lisbon Y J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 56 / 56 int: 4 / 4 e: 2
Stop position "Marquês de Pombal" (n5938124259) is not on tracks (relation 7734161, "Linha Azul: Reboleira → Santa Apolónia")
4 unused stations: n6238721709, n8037770562, n8704087217, n8704087218
Found 2 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7733997213, n8904856985
4 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n4713720483, n4713721117, n7733997213, n8904856985
Porto Y J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 5 / 6 st: 128 / 144 int: 1 / 2 e: 0
Route has different network ("Andante") from master "Metro do Porto" (relation 6064924, "Linha A: Estádio do Dragão => Senhor de Matosinhos")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 6064924, "Linha A: Estádio do Dragão => Senhor de Matosinhos")
Found 5 light rail lines, expected 6
Found 128 stations in routes, expected 144
Found 1 interchanges, expected 2

Produced by Subway Preprocessor on 04.10.2021 12:48.