Subway Validation Results for China

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Beijing Y J M sub: 21 / 21 lr: 2 / 2 st: 417 / 414 int: 60 / 60 e: 84
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2637827, "育新")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 4008865, "育知路")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2111074, "朱辛庄")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 9803577, "朱辛庄")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10136986, "草桥")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2709371, "首经贸")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 12316338, "首经贸")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2637827, "育新")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2111074, "朱辛庄")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 9803577, "朱辛庄")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 4008865, "育知路")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 2709371, "首经贸")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 12316338, "首经贸")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10136986, "草桥")
Angle between stops around "古城" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667139, "Subway 1: 环球度假区 => 古城")
Angle between stops around "高碑店" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667139, "Subway 1: 环球度假区 => 古城")
Angle between stops around "四惠东" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667139, "Subway 1: 环球度假区 => 古城")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "四惠东" (pos) (relation 1667139, "Subway 1: 环球度假区 => 古城")
Angle between stops around "古城" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667140, "Subway 1: 古城 => 环球度假区")
Angle between stops around "高碑店" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667140, "Subway 1: 古城 => 环球度假区")
Angle between stops around "四惠东" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 1667140, "Subway 1: 古城 => 环球度假区")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "古城" (pos) (relation 1667140, "Subway 1: 古城 => 环球度假区")
Unknown member type for node 8841903916 in route (relation 2082918, "Subway 4: 安河桥北 => 公益西桥")
Unknown member type for node 8841903916 in route (relation 2083779, "Subway 4/DX: 安河桥北 => 新宫")
stop node 3369001424 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4611276, "Subway Line 14: 善各庄 => 北京南站")
stop node 3369001423 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4613036, "Subway Line 14: 北京南站 => 善各庄")
An untagged object n8869753316 in a stop_area_group (relation 8048032, "白石桥南")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 8469053, "Subway YF: 阎村东 => 燕山")
Found 417 stations in routes, expected 414
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 12154788, "亦创会展中心")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 1667236, "Subway 2: 西直门 => 西直门 (内环)")
Missing colour on a route (relation 1667272, "Subway BT: 四惠 => 花庄")
Hole in route rails near node n339085722 (relation 1667272, "Subway BT: 四惠 => 花庄")
Missing colour on a route (relation 1667273, "Subway BT: 花庄 => 四惠")
Hole in route rails near node n1303500760 (relation 1667273, "Subway BT: 花庄 => 四惠")
Hole in route rails near node n1094072412 (relation 1721065, "Subway 5: 宋家庄 => 天通苑北")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890562451, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890562452, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890562454, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890588027, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890588031, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890592407, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890592410, "")
Stop position "" (n8278847825) is not on tracks (relation 7800400, "北京地铁16号线 北安河-甘家口")
Stop position "" (n8278847827) is not on tracks (relation 7800400, "北京地铁16号线 北安河-甘家口")
Stop position "" (n8278847828) is not on tracks (relation 7800400, "北京地铁16号线 北安河-甘家口")
Route "#6da843" has different colour from master "#6ba53a" (relation 7800400, "北京地铁16号线 北安河-甘家口")
Hole in route rails near node n9079064145 (relation 8008812, "S1线")
Hole in route rails near node n4564208749 (relation 8008814, "S1线")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890592409, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890592406, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890588030, "")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 890588026, "")
Route "#6da843" has different colour from master "#6ba53a" (relation 8324249, "北京地铁16号线 甘家口-北安河")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 1667139, "Subway 1: 环球度假区 => 古城")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 1667140, "Subway 1: 古城 => 环球度假区")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 1667236, "Subway 2: 西直门 => 西直门 (内环)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2062998, "Subway ABC: 东直门 => 首都国际机场")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2062999, "Subway ABC: 首都国际机场 => 东直门")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9746279, "Subway ABC: 东直门 => 首都国际机场")
15 unused stations: n1296102385, n1296102418, n4564113101, n5402775392, n5779214860, n6496364880, n7074344502, n8073260829, n8658952312, n9122347219, w126857011, w136979357, w301638280, w672449120, w736842220
Found 84 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n1024947212, n1305783007, n5077273896, n7580045640, n7589864648, n7589864649, n7589864652, n7591778833, n7591781042, n7592090661, n7597561035, n7597561036, n7597561037, n7602288667, n7602288668, n7602288669, n7603117808, n7603978077, n7603978078, n7603978079, ...
87 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n1024947212, n1305783007, n5077273896, n7580045640, n7589864648, n7589864649, n7589864652, n7591778833, n7591781042, n7592090661, n7597561035, n7597561036, n7597561037, n7602288667, n7602288668, n7602288669, n7603065551, n7603117808, n7603978077, n7603978078, ...
Changchun Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 3 / 3 st: 90 / 91 int: 6 / 7 e: 0
stop node 2375106644 is not connected to a station in route (relation 3066646, "长春轨道交通4号线")
stop node 6524777897 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7875300, "4号线")
Found 6 interchanges, expected 7
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7875901, "1号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9642899, "长春轨道交通8号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9689345, "长春轨道交通2号线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 3066645, "长春轻轨三号线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 7875359, "长春轻轨三号线")
6 unused stations: n6521030612, n6521030618, n8556305249, n8556305258, n8639244234, n8639244235
Found 90 stations in routes, expected 91
Changsha Y J M sub: 5 / 5 lr: 1 / 1 st: 114 / 114 int: 12 / 12 e: 6
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5454478, "长沙地铁二号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5213258925 (relation 6517086, "长沙地铁1线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 6517086, "长沙地铁1线")
Hole in route rails near node n4169360707 (relation 7711951, "长沙磁浮快线")
Stop position "尚双塘" (n3410043447) is not on tracks (relation 7875256, "长沙地铁1线")
Hole in route rails near node n6343324671 (relation 9632263, "长沙地铁四号线")
Stop position "磁浮㮾梨" (n5622078169) is not on tracks (relation 10084251, "长沙磁浮快线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 11257189, "长沙地铁三号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 11257229, "长沙地铁五号线")
1 unused stations: n3500480628
Found 6 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8333300040, n8333300041, n8333300042, n8333300043, n8333300044, n8333300045
9 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8333300040, n8333300041, n8333300042, n8333300043, n8333300044, n8333300045, n8333300046, n8333300047, n8333300048
More than one network: 长沙地铁 (5); 长沙磁浮快线 (1)
Changzhou Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 44 / 44 int: 1 / 1 e: 8
Stop "阳湖路" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Stop "南夏墅" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Angle between stops around "南夏墅" is too narrow, 13 degrees (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "常州火车站" (pos) (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "常州火车站" (pos) (relation 10164420, "常州地铁1号线 南夏墅-森林公园")
Hole in route rails near node n5288529282 (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Station in route is not a node (way 717851976, "常州火车站")
Station in route is not a node (way 717851976, "常州火车站")
Angle between stops around "森林公园" is too narrow, 22 degrees (relation 10164420, "常州地铁1号线 南夏墅-森林公园")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12770688, "常州地铁2号线 青枫公园-五一路")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10149400, "常州地铁1号线 森林公园-南夏墅")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10164420, "常州地铁1号线 南夏墅-森林公园")
51 unused stations: n7504963659, n7504963662, n7504976225, n7505319992, n7505320035, n7505320036, n7505320037, n7505427191, n7505488237, n8133767612, n8133767613, n8133767614, n8133767615, n8133767616, n8133767637, n8133767647, n8133767648, n8133767649, n8133767650, n8133767651, ...
Found 8 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7889214567, n8778201764, n8778201767, n8816058289, n8994693879, n8994693883, n8994693884, n9143672505
8 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7889214567, n8778201764, n8778201767, n8816058289, n8994693879, n8994693883, n8994693884, n9143672505
Chengdu Y J M sub: 12 / 12 lr: 0 / 0 st: 332 / 230 int: 43 / 22 e: 43
stop node 9103760778 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2474349, "地铁 2号线: 犀浦 => 龙泉驿")
stop node 9103760778 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8298109, "地铁 2号线: 龙泉驿 => 犀浦")
Found an out-of-place stop: "草堂北路" (n9004692991) (relation 8298131, "成都地铁4号线 西河=>万盛")
Found an out-of-place stop: "西南财大" (n6514796947) (relation 8298131, "成都地铁4号线 西河=>万盛")
stop node 9004692994 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8298131, "成都地铁4号线 西河=>万盛")
Angle between stops around "太平寺" is too narrow, 12 degrees (relation 9627519, "成都地铁9号线(金融城东=>黄田坝)")
Angle between stops around "三元" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 9627519, "成都地铁9号线(金融城东=>黄田坝)")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "三元" (pos) (relation 9627519, "成都地铁9号线(金融城东=>黄田坝)")
Angle between stops around "西北桥" is too narrow, 7 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Angle between stops around "杭州路" is too narrow, 10 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Angle between stops around "人民北路" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Angle between stops around "梁家巷" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Angle between stops around "望丛祠" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "杭州路" (pos) (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
stop node 6594652057 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "莲花" is too narrow, 2 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "高朋大道" is too narrow, 5 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "十里店" is too narrow, 2 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "东郊记忆" is too narrow, 10 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "莲花" (pos) (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
An under construction feature w708387827 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w708387829 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w885791855 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w974592346 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w974589111 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w974592348 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w974589100 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w946619350 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
An under construction feature w946619349 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Angle between stops around "凤溪河" is too narrow, 10 degrees (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Angle between stops around "市五医院" is too narrow, 6 degrees (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Angle between stops around "机投桥" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "市五医院" (pos) (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Route has different network ("CDRT") from master "成都地铁" (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Unknown member type for relation 12475841 in route (relation 9869750, "成都地铁18号线(火车南站=>天府机场北)")
Angle between stops around "华桂路" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Unknown member type for relation 12475841 in route (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "西博城" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "海昌路" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "世纪城" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "锦城广场东" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "孵化园" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stop "火车南站" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "三岔" (pos) (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
stop node 8242842827 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12086371, "成都地铁8号线(莲花=>十里店)")
Route has different network ("CDRT") from master "成都地铁" (relation 12086371, "成都地铁8号线(莲花=>十里店)")
An under construction feature w888614770 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w974589101 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w974589113 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w974592347 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w888614769 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w946619347 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
An under construction feature w946619348 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
Found 332 stations in routes, expected 230
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 9869482, "双流西站")
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 11545786, "双流西站")
Hole in route rails near node n5487050611 (relation 2381768, "成都地铁1号线(五根松 => 韦家碾)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 2381768, "成都地铁1号线(五根松 => 韦家碾)")
Hole in route rails near node n7852340465 (relation 8298109, "地铁 2号线: 龙泉驿 => 犀浦")
Angle between stops around "犀浦" is too narrow, 30 degrees (relation 8298109, "地铁 2号线: 龙泉驿 => 犀浦")
Hole in route rails near node n9004692995 (relation 8298131, "成都地铁4号线 西河=>万盛")
Angle between stops around "兰家沟" is too narrow, 29 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Angle between stops around "沈阳路" is too narrow, 24 degrees (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 974951062, "中医大省医院")
Missing colour on a route (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "殷家林" is too narrow, 27 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "永丰" is too narrow, 27 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "九兴大道" is too narrow, 21 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Angle between stops around "万年路" is too narrow, 25 degrees (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Hole in route rails near node n9019493421 (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Hole in route rails near node n6343308883 (relation 9869750, "成都地铁18号线(火车南站=>天府机场北)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9869750, "成都地铁18号线(火车南站=>天府机场北)")
Hole in route rails near node n8260835185 (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "回龙" (n6015691571) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "龙马路" (n6015691568) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "怡心湖" (n6015691564) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "南湖立交" (n6015691556) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "二江寺" (n6175256237) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "警官学院" (n6015691544) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "骑龙" (n6015691536) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "民乐" (n6015691529) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "大源" (n6175256236) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "锦城湖" (n6015691521) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "锦城大道" (n6015691512) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "交子大道" (n6015691508) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "市一医院" (n6175256231) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "石羊立交" (n6015691501) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "神仙树" (n6015691379) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "九兴大道" (n6015691366) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "科园" (n6175256227) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "抚琴" (n6015691314) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "花牌坊" (n6015691290) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "西北桥" (n6015691287) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "北站西二路" (n6015691174) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "赛云台" (n6015691169) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "五块石" (n6015691162) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "福宁路" (n6175256204) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "洞子口" (n6015691150) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "泉水路" (n6015691146) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "陆家桥" (n6015691142) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "皇花园" (n6015691140) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "石犀公园" (n6175256202) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "大丰" (n6175256197) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "杜家碾" (n6015691124) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Stop position "华桂路" (n6015690876) is not on tracks (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 974951063, "中医大省医院")
Hole in route rails near node n6343309199 (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Angle between stops around "火车南站" is too narrow, 41 degrees (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12038668, "地铁 6号线: 兰家沟 => 望丛祠")
Missing colour on a route (relation 12086371, "成都地铁8号线(莲花=>十里店)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12086371, "成都地铁8号线(莲花=>十里店)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12094622, "成都地铁9号线(黄田坝=>金融城东)")
Hole in route rails near node n8261607307 (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2474349, "地铁 2号线: 犀浦 => 龙泉驿")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 8298109, "地铁 2号线: 龙泉驿 => 犀浦")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7913593, "成都地铁7号线 内环")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9627850, "地铁 6号线: 望丛祠 => 兰家沟")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 12038668, "地铁 6号线: 兰家沟 => 望丛祠")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9627905, "成都地铁5号线 华桂路=>回龙")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10526315, "成都地铁5号线 回龙=>华桂路")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9761272, "成都地铁8号线(十里店=>莲花)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 12086371, "成都地铁8号线(莲花=>十里店)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9851799, "成都地铁17号线(金星=>机投桥)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 12095437, "成都地铁17号线(机投桥=>金星)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9869750, "成都地铁18号线(火车南站=>天府机场北)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 11697794, "成都地铁18号线(天府机场北=>火车南站)")
2 unused stations: n3316038313, n9025152913
Found 43 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7619611667, n7619611668, n7619611669, n7619611670, n7647129993, n7647129994, n7647129995, n7647129996, n7647129997, n7647129998, n7747139110, n7787083835, n7787083836, n7787083837, n7787083838, n7787083839, n7787083840, n7787083841, n7787083842, n7787083843, ...
43 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7619611667, n7619611668, n7619611669, n7619611670, n7647129993, n7647129994, n7647129995, n7647129996, n7647129997, n7647129998, n7747139110, n7787083835, n7787083836, n7787083837, n7787083838, n7787083839, n7787083840, n7787083841, n7787083842, n7787083843, ...
Found 43 interchanges, expected 22
Chongqing Y J M sub: 7 / 7 lr: 3 / 2 st: 198 / 197 int: 20 / 20 e: 5
Stops on tracks are unordered near "谢家湾" (pos) (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
stop node 2166943968 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
stop node 2166943973 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
platform way 258871465 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
stop node 1856531417 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
platform way 175020363 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
stop node 2166943971 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "鱼洞 Yudong" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "大山村 Dashancun" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "花溪 Huaxi" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "岔路口 Chalukou" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "九公里 Jiugongli" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "麒龙 Qilong" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "八公里 Bagongli" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "二塘 Ertang" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "六公里 Liugongli" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "五公里 Wugongli" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stop "四公里 Sigongli" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "南坪 Nanping" (pos) (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
stop node 1856531417 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
platform way 175020357 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
stop node 2166943971 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
platform way 258871466 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
stop node 2166943973 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
stop node 2166943968 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
stop node 4921040993 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2768660, "重庆轨道交通6号线:北碚 → 茶园")
stop node 4921040993 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2768661, "重庆轨道交通6号线:茶园 → 北碚")
An under construction feature w946776357 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776358 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776359 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w736844596 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776362 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776367 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776368 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776369 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w826309510 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "红岩坪" (pos) (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
An under construction feature w946776357 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776358 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776359 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w736844596 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776362 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776367 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776368 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w946776369 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
An under construction feature w826309510 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7662492, "重庆轨道交通环线(顺时针)")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7676338, "重庆轨道交通环线(逆时针)")
Route has no stops (relation 12759727, "璧山胶轮有轨电车")
An empty route master r12759727. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 3 light rail lines, expected 2
Found 198 stations in routes, expected 197
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 2338592, "狮子坪")
Stop position "大江" (n3357507693) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "刘家坝" (n3357507696) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "金家湾" (n3357507695) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "建桥" (n3357507694) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "新山村" (n661059939) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "大渡口" (n661059932) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "平安" (n7686492063) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "马王场" (n1859686101) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "大堰村" (n7686471523) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "杨家坪" (n661053284) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "谢家湾" (n661053277) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "袁家岗" (n7619295814) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "佛图关" (n7619295886) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Stop position "李子坝" (n661048844) is not on tracks (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Hole in route rails near node n5951921868 (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Angle between stops around "碧津 Bijin" is too narrow, 26 degrees (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Angle between stops around "鱼洞 Yudong" is too narrow, 25 degrees (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Hole in route rails near node n1855304527 (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
Angle between stops around "沙河坝" is too narrow, 26 degrees (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
Hole in route rails near node n3345481884 (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
Angle between stops around "沙河坝" is too narrow, 26 degrees (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
Route "#ed8e00" has different colour from master "#dc8633" (relation 7677819, "重庆轨道交通4号线(民安大道-->唐家沱)")
Stop position "长河" (n5318659356) is not on tracks (relation 8300862, "重庆轨道交通10号线(鲤鱼池 => 王家庄)")
Hole in route rails near node n5186526857 (relation 9171927, "重庆轨道交通4号线(唐家沱-->民安大道)")
Route "#ed8e00" has different colour from master "#dc8633" (relation 9171927, "重庆轨道交通4号线(唐家沱-->民安大道)")
Route "空港线" has different ref from master "3" (relation 9597502, "CRT Line 3: 举人坝 → 碧津")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9597503, "CRT Line 3: 碧津 → 举人坝")
Route "空港线" has different ref from master "3" (relation 9597503, "CRT Line 3: 碧津 → 举人坝")
Missing colour on a route (relation 11353824, "4号线-环线直快列车(唐家沱-->重庆图书馆)")
Missing colour on a route (relation 11665747, "4号线-环线直快列车(重庆图书馆-->唐家沱)")
Stop position "新山村" (n661059939) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "大渡口" (n661059932) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "平安" (n7686492063) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "马王场" (n1859686101) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "大堰村" (n7686471523) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "杨家坪" (n661053284) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "谢家湾" (n661053277) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "袁家岗" (n7619295814) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "佛图关" (n7619295886) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Stop position "李子坝" (n661048844) is not on tracks (relation 11665922, "重庆轨道交通2号线(天堂堡 → 较场口)")
Missing ref on a route (relation 12759727, "璧山胶轮有轨电车")
Missing colour on a route (relation 12759727, "璧山胶轮有轨电车")
Hole in route rails near node n8763838938 (relation 12759727, "璧山胶轮有轨电车")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 444083, "重庆轨道交通2号线(鱼洞 → 较场口)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2353578, "重庆轨道交通2号线(较场口→鱼洞)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2341149, "重庆轨道交通3号线(鱼洞 → 江北机场T2航站楼)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2341150, "重庆轨道交通3号线(江北机场T2航站楼 → 鱼洞)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 3474487, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):茶园 → 悦来")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 3474488, "重庆轨道交通6号线(国博支线):悦来 → 茶园")
1 unused stations: n8420596953
Found 5 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7646424124, n7792546847, n7792546848, n7792546849, n7792546850
5 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7646424124, n7792546847, n7792546848, n7792546849, n7792546850
More than one network: 重庆轨道交通 (9); None (1)
Dalian Y J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 39 / 69 int: 0 / 1 e: 34
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908047, "东山路")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 11641092, "姚家站")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10507639, "黄泥川")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7957873, "蔡大岭")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 9581055, "龙王塘")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 11641111, "港湾广场站")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908047, "东山路")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908056, "香炉礁")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908045, "十九局")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908055, "金家街")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908121, "旅顺新港")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908120, "铁山")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7957873, "蔡大岭")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10507639, "黄泥川")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 9581055, "龙王塘")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7908119, "旅顺")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 11641092, "姚家站")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 11641111, "港湾广场站")
stop node 5343709504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 3123050, "大连地铁3号线九里段")
Untagged object in a route (relation 3123050, "大连地铁3号线九里段")
Route has only one stop (relation 3123050, "大连地铁3号线九里段")
stop node 5343709505 is not connected to a station in route (relation 3124525, "大连地铁3号线九里段")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5491623, "大连地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5491623, "大连地铁2号线")
stop node 3733552182 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5491623, "大连地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5491623, "大连地铁2号线")
stop node 8681688332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5492211, "大连地铁12号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5492211, "大连地铁12号线")
stop node 5343124001 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
stop node 5343124002 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
stop node 8681688332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6185548, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7890239, "大连地铁2号线")
stop node 3733552182 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7890239, "大连地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7890239, "大连地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7890239, "大连地铁2号线")
stop node 5343709504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7908038, "大连地铁3号线金石湾段")
Route has only one stop (relation 7908038, "大连地铁3号线金石湾段")
stop node 5343709505 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7908043, "大连地铁3号线金石湾段")
Route has only one stop (relation 7908043, "大连地铁3号线金石湾段")
stop node 8681688332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
stop node 5343124002 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
stop node 5343124001 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7951023, "大连地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7957872, "大连地铁12号线")
stop node 8681688332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7957872, "大连地铁12号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 3124525, "大连地铁3号线九里段")
Found 39 stations in routes, expected 69
Found 0 interchanges, expected 1
Dongguan Y J M sub: 0 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 15 int: 0 / 0 e: 6
Route in two route_masters (relation 6502861, "")
Route in two route_masters (relation 7986214, "")
Found 0 subway lines, expected 1
Found 0 stations in routes, expected 15
Fuzhou Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 37 / 43 int: 1 / 1 e: 8
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10458599, "洪湾")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10458600, "桔园洲")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10458600, "桔园洲")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 10458599, "洪湾")
stop node 4043025507 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6028932, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025506 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6028932, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6028932, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6028932, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025508 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6028932, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025508 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895187, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895187, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895187, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025506 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895187, "福州轨道交通一号线")
stop node 4043025507 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895187, "福州轨道交通一号线")
Found 37 stations in routes, expected 43
Hole in route rails near node n7236606977 (relation 6441135, "福州轨道交通二号线")
Hole in route rails near node n8749956105 (relation 10458586, "福州轨道交通二号线")
28 unused stations: n4043022037, n4209767660, n4343830360, n4343830576, n4345238080, n4345238081, n4345238083, n4345238085, n4345238191, n4345238197, n5923593302, n6448648423, n6448648424, n6448648425, n6448648426, n6448648427, n6448648429, n6448648430, n6448648431, n6448648432, ...
Found 8 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8390013200, n8390013201, n8390013202, n8390013203, n8390334375, n8390334376, n8390334377, n8390334378
9 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8364441800, n8390013200, n8390013201, n8390013202, n8390013203, n8390334375, n8390334376, n8390334377, n8390334378
Guangzhou Y J M sub: 0 / 13 lr: 0 / 1 st: 0 / 271 int: 0 / 34 e: 0
Route in two route_masters (relation 6502861, "")
Route in two route_masters (relation 7986214, "")
stop node 5076905498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 444000, "地铁 3号线:天河客运站 -> 番禺广场")
stop node 5153640194 is not connected to a station in route (relation 444000, "地铁 3号线:天河客运站 -> 番禺广场")
stop node 5173007621 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2646091, "地铁 广佛线:沥滘 -> 新城东")
stop node 5244482931 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5244446438 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5244416946 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5244240250 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5363783554 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5363773458 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5217944447 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5226637815 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 5230570817 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
Route has only one stop (relation 6728313, "地铁 13号线:鱼珠 -> 新沙")
stop node 4894957128 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285815, "地铁 6号线:香雪 -> 浔峰岗")
stop node 4897379048 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285815, "地铁 6号线:香雪 -> 浔峰岗")
stop node 4889741718 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285815, "地铁 6号线:香雪 -> 浔峰岗")
stop node 2718560152 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285815, "地铁 6号线:香雪 -> 浔峰岗")
stop node 1912874886 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285815, "地铁 6号线:香雪 -> 浔峰岗")
stop node 4881068242 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285816, "地铁 6号线:浔峰岗 -> 香雪")
stop node 4881068250 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285816, "地铁 6号线:浔峰岗 -> 香雪")
stop node 4889741719 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285816, "地铁 6号线:浔峰岗 -> 香雪")
stop node 4897379049 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285816, "地铁 6号线:浔峰岗 -> 香雪")
stop node 2712350729 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7285816, "地铁 6号线:浔峰岗 -> 香雪")
stop node 4965997209 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390450, "地铁 2号线:广州南站 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 5159339225 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390450, "地铁 2号线:广州南站 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 4984110775 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390450, "地铁 2号线:广州南站 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 4984110776 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390451, "地铁 2号线:嘉禾望岗 -> 广州南站")
stop node 5159339224 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390451, "地铁 2号线:嘉禾望岗 -> 广州南站")
stop node 4965997210 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7390451, "地铁 2号线:嘉禾望岗 -> 广州南站")
stop node 7728773425 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7726643393 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7726536438 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7724458154 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7723059904 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7722702221 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7719663826 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 7719425980 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 6898322563 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
An under construction stop n6898322564 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
An under construction stop n4996473833 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5033559683 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5068602440 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5179333449 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5071064810 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5071138930 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5071421526 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5071894559 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422204, "地铁 8号线:滘心 -> 万胜围")
stop node 5071894560 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5071421527 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5071138929 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5071064809 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5179333450 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5068602439 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5033552037 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
An under construction stop n4099123786 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
An under construction stop n4069660119 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 4096680946 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7719425979 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7719663833 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7722702220 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7723059903 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7724458157 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7726536433 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7726643394 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 7728773429 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7422205, "地铁 8号线:万胜围 -> 滘心")
stop node 5025407714 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480669, "地铁 1号线:西塱 -> 广州东站")
stop node 5030661217 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480669, "地铁 1号线:西塱 -> 广州东站")
stop node 5030661220 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480669, "地铁 1号线:西塱 -> 广州东站")
stop node 5030662124 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480669, "地铁 1号线:西塱 -> 广州东站")
stop node 5030662123 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480670, "地铁 1号线:广州东站 -> 西塱")
stop node 5030661219 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480670, "地铁 1号线:广州东站 -> 西塱")
stop node 5030661218 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480670, "地铁 1号线:广州东站 -> 西塱")
stop node 5025407713 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7480670, "地铁 1号线:广州东站 -> 西塱")
stop node 4945223048 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4945233668 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4945233678 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4945233684 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4949124313 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4945233692 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483883, "地铁 5号线:滘口 -> 文冲")
stop node 4945233693 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4949124312 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4945233685 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4945233679 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4945233669 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4945223047 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7483884, "地铁 5号线:文冲 -> 滘口")
stop node 4972032697 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7520751, "地铁 7号线:广州南站 -> 大学城南")
stop node 5066151855 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7520751, "地铁 7号线:广州南站 -> 大学城南")
stop node 5066151858 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7520752, "地铁 7号线:大学城南 -> 广州南站")
stop node 5066151856 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7520752, "地铁 7号线:大学城南 -> 广州南站")
stop node 4972032698 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7520752, "地铁 7号线:大学城南 -> 广州南站")
stop node 5230570820 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5230570818 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5226637814 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5217944446 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5201676785 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5243664812 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5244240249 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5244416945 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5244446437 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5244482932 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
Route has only one stop (relation 7895352, "地铁 13号线:新沙 -> 鱼珠")
stop node 5250715959 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5250640936 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5375472552 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5250404450 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5250095250 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5248686441 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5248364927 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5380908773 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7935591, "地铁 9号线:飞鹅岭 -> 高增")
stop node 5173007622 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7944797, "地铁 广佛线:新城东 -> 沥滘")
stop node 5635597675 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338723, "地铁 14号线:嘉禾望岗 -> 东风")
stop node 5647005633 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338723, "地铁 14号线:嘉禾望岗 -> 东风")
stop node 5647005627 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338724, "地铁 14号线:东风 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 5635597676 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338724, "地铁 14号线:东风 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 5635597675 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338725, "地铁 14号线快车:嘉禾望岗 -> 东风")
stop node 5635597676 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8338726, "地铁 14号线快车:东风 -> 嘉禾望岗")
stop node 5666160240 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9171918, "地铁 21号线:员村 -> 增城广场")
stop node 5666160244 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9349489, "地铁 21号线:增城广场 -> 员村")
stop node 5153640195 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841060, "地铁 3号线:番禺广场 -> 天河客运站")
stop node 5076905499 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841060, "地铁 3号线:番禺广场 -> 天河客运站")
stop node 5157232106 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841061, "地铁 3号线:机场北(2号航站楼)-> 番禺广场")
stop node 5076905498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841061, "地铁 3号线:机场北(2号航站楼)-> 番禺广场")
stop node 5153640194 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841061, "地铁 3号线:机场北(2号航站楼)-> 番禺广场")
stop node 5153640195 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841062, "地铁 3号线:番禺广场-> 机场北(2号航站楼)")
stop node 5076905499 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841062, "地铁 3号线:番禺广场-> 机场北(2号航站楼)")
stop node 5157232105 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9841062, "地铁 3号线:番禺广场-> 机场北(2号航站楼)")
stop node 5248280993 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5380877726 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5380857325 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5380844288 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5380806368 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5250460303 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5250640937 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
stop node 5250715958 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9924026, "地铁 9号线:高增 -> 飞鹅岭")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n7733508053 (relation 13239400, "地铁 18号线快车:万顷沙 -> 冼村")
stop node 7733508051 for route relation 13239400 is not in the dataset
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 9652380, "磨碟沙")
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 9924024, "广州北站")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 8338726, "地铁 14号线快车:东风 -> 嘉禾望岗")
Guiyang Y J M sub: 0 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 25 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
stop node 5235040326 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8114611, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
stop node 7294445483 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8114611, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
stop node 7294445483 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10149268, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
stop node 5235040326 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10149268, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n4656392922 (relation 12791162, "2 白云北路 - 中兴路")
stop node 4656392922 for route relation 12791162 is not in the dataset
Stop position "珠江路" (n4632174219) is not on tracks (relation 8114611, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
Stop position "沙冲路" (n4632174221) is not on tracks (relation 8114611, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
Hole in route rails near node n5235040412 (relation 10149268, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
Stop position "沙冲路" (n4632174221) is not on tracks (relation 10149268, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
Stop position "珠江路" (n4632174219) is not on tracks (relation 10149268, "1 下麦西 - 小孟工业园")
Hangzhou Y J M sub: 0 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 135 int: 0 / 13 e: 0
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n8926004835 (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6505799704 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6505799721 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6505799749 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6505799758 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6503404528 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6503404540 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6503404553 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6098961179 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7828890834 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6098961129 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7436573619 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 691025018 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6009979187 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 637507110 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 637670852 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6009978892 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6505798565 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 968319401 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6009978863 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 795108956 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 840028609 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 6009978909 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7436573623 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535885 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
An under construction feature n7239600659 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7239600655 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7239600654 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
stop node 7239600689 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535882 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535883 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 776023294 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535877 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570143 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535875 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535869 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535867 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970535865 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966703634 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966703632 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966703632 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966647917 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966647915 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966647913 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966647898 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 966647899 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970557850 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970553075 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970553074 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570144 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570145 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570146 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570147 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970570148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
platform way 970539828 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627560, "杭州地铁1号线上行")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n8926004834 (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 3116447179 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 5276636573 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 3116447167 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 7436573622 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 7436573624 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 840028609 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2918444045 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 795108955 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2918444043 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 968319401 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 7436573617 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2914306277 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 637670851 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2933008044 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 883715352 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 691025018 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 7436573621 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 6098961152 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 5441693215 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2933008045 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 6503404536 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2933008042 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2933008082 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 5454990227 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 2933013374 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
An under construction feature n5024132502 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
An under construction feature n5024132503 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
An under construction feature n5024132921 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 8977333148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
stop node 8982332627 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
An under construction feature w514199341 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535881 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535883 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 776023294 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535885 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535877 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570143 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535875 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535869 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535867 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970535865 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966703634 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966647917 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966647914 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966647912 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966647898 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 966647899 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970557850 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970553075 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970553074 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570144 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570145 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570146 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570147 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970570148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
platform way 970539828 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 4627563, "杭州地铁9号线 临平=>客运中心")
Route has no stops (relation 4627563, "杭州地铁9号线 临平=>客运中心")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450814402 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450814396 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450814398 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 4877718158 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812866 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812865 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812840 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812834 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812823 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 3327052786 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812816 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812815 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261453 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7383609293 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 5441693216 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7383609315 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261424 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261435 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 5443266643 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261445 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261450 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261466 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261493 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7440261498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7442098314 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891808133 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7450812813 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7442098331 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7442098335 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891178031 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 4951685725 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 971825715 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 893227437 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891808137 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 971835790 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891808132 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891808131 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
platform way 891808129 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
Route has no stops (relation 5454457, "杭州地铁2号线上行")
stop node 7442098329 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7442098334 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812814 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 891808129 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 891808131 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7442098312 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 891808132 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261502 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261492 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 891808137 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261481 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 893227437 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261464 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261449 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261443 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261441 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261434 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261423 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7383609314 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7383609316 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261452 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7443754797 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 6089151325 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812817 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 6089151291 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812822 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812832 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812838 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812861 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812863 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450812872 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450814391 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450814395 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7450814401 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 7440261473 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 971825715 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 971835790 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
platform way 891178031 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
Route has no stops (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
stop node 6521365358 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 6009978978 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 6521365355 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7438242098 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 8983302932 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 6089140183 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7438242104 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7443754834 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 6089151376 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7443754831 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7443754819 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7443754844 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7492010096 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 8983303243 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7492010107 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7492010113 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 637670852 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 637507107 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 637507100 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 966902067 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 966902059 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642480 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642482 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642483 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642484 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642485 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 966428677 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642486 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642495 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642502 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642506 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
platform way 970642497 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7491972881 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
Route has only one stop (relation 9641050, "杭州地铁4号线上行")
stop node 7255102054 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7492697328 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172641 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172636 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7042331038 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172617 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172600 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7042331043 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172559 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089172545 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7042331048 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 6089171179 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7042331051 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7444445323 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7444445310 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7440261410 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7443754800 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7442098343 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7492697332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7492697344 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7443754849 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502324365 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502324380 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502324384 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7442098349 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7450812883 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7450812880 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7450812826 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502343295 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502343299 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502343329 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502343341 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 8997807033 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7444445296 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971941695 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971941696 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170268 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170266 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170258 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 967713148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170256 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170254 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
Unknown member type for way 972170253 in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170245 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170243 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972170269 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966428678 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966428679 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972181374 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966647889 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972181375 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 972181398 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966647919 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971923865 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971923863 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971923861 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966902818 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971923859 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913620 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913611 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913609 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971825716 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913607 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 966723670 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913595 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971353026 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913596 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913598 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913600 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913603 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 969975505 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
platform way 971913605 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386952, "杭州地铁5号线上行")
stop node 7502343344 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7502343343 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7502343326 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5014435553 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5017444203 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5014435552 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7450814387 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5017444213 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7502343291 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7502343290 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7502324372 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5122414388 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7492697350 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7492697330 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7442098346 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7443754796 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7440261400 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7444445314 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7444445327 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007174 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007176 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007177 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007180 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 5017444357 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007182 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007184 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007185 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007186 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 4922007187 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7492697327 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7492010126 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 8997807032 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7444445292 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971941695 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971941696 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170268 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170266 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170258 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 967713148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170256 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170254 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
Unknown member type for way 972170253 in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170245 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170243 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972170269 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966428678 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966428679 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972181374 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966647889 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972181375 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 972181398 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966647919 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971923865 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971923863 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971923861 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966902818 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971923859 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913620 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913611 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913609 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971825716 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913607 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 966723670 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913595 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971353026 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913596 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913598 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913600 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913603 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 969975505 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
platform way 971913605 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
stop node 7492697364 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975503 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 972190813 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975502 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975500 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975499 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975497 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975496 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975493 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975492 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 969975495 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
platform way 972190836 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
Angle between stops around "绿汀路 (16号线)" is too narrow, 3 degrees (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "凤新路" (pos) (relation 11076297, "杭州地铁16号线下行")
Untagged object in a route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
stop node 7492697365 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 972190813 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975502 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975500 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975499 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975497 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975496 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975493 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975492 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 969975495 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
platform way 972190836 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n7315956652 (relation 12561898, "杭州地铁7号线下行")
stop node 8977171367 for route relation 12561898 is not in the dataset
Route "#e14461" has different colour from master "#df4661" (relation 4627561, "杭州地铁1号线下行")
Hole in route rails near node n7383609301 (relation 8323744, "杭州地铁2号线下行")
Hole in route rails near node n7442098353 (relation 10386965, "杭州地铁5号线下行")
Hole in route rails near node n8989210675 (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
Route "#ffb35b" has different colour from master "#ffb25b" (relation 11076298, "杭州地铁16号线上行")
Harbin Y J M sub: 3 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 7 / 27 int: 0 / 1 e: 43
stop node 2538010638 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010654 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010647 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010653 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010661 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010631 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 3451578160 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010463 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010643 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010666 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010636 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010645 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 2538010641 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610567 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610574 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610581 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610584 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610692 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
stop node 4632610692 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 4632610584 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 4632610581 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 4632610574 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 4632610567 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010641 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010645 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010636 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010666 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010643 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010463 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 3451578160 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010631 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010661 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010653 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010647 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010654 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
stop node 2538010638 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7948592, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(北向)")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024049950, "民主村")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024049948, "新香坊")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8627304244, "香福路")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702455, "气象台")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8627304262, "农业大学")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024058911, "南直路")
stop node 9024058909 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13250188, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
stop node 6898644292 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13250188, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702423, "哈尔滨站•地铁2号线")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702419, "尚志大街")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702418, "中央大街")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416679114, "人民广场")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 6898644307, "太阳岛")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9026173164, "冰雪大世界")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 6898644315, "龙川路")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024004191, "大学城")
Route has no stops (relation 13250188, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024004191, "大学城")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 6898644315, "龙川路")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9026173164, "冰雪大世界")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 6898644307, "太阳岛")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416679114, "人民广场")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702418, "中央大街")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702419, "尚志大街")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702423, "哈尔滨站•地铁2号线")
stop node 6898644292 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13250189, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
stop node 9024058909 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13250189, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024058911, "南直路")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8627304262, "农业大学")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8416702455, "气象台")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 8627304244, "香福路")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024049948, "新香坊")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 9024049950, "民主村")
Route has no stops (relation 13250189, "哈尔滨地铁2号线")
An empty route master r13250192. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 3 subway lines, expected 2
Found 7 stations in routes, expected 27
Found 0 interchanges, expected 1
Hole in route rails near node n9023953385 (relation 5490209, "哈尔滨地铁1号线(南向)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7949018, "哈尔滨地铁3号线")
2 unused stations: n8946262629, n8985809671
Found 43 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8302042239, n8302042240, n8302042243, n8302042245, n8302042246, n8302042249, n8302042253, n8302042255, n8302042256, n8302042260, n8302042265, n8302042268, n8302042272, n8302042273, n8302042276, n8302042277, n8302042280, n8302042284, n8302042286, n8302042287, ...
43 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8302042239, n8302042240, n8302042243, n8302042245, n8302042246, n8302042249, n8302042253, n8302042255, n8302042256, n8302042260, n8302042265, n8302042268, n8302042272, n8302042273, n8302042276, n8302042277, n8302042280, n8302042284, n8302042286, n8302042287, ...
Hefei Y J M sub: 0 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 80 int: 0 / 3 e: 0
stop node 8554374465 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964585, "合肥轨道交通2号线(南岗→三十埠)")
stop node 8506490196 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964920, "合肥轨道交通1号线(合肥火车站→九联圩)")
stop node 8480148632 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148687 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148689 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148692 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148707 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148714 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148729 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148734 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148737 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148739 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148743 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148757 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148786 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148788 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148791 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148805 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148813 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8480148817 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8478659973 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 8478659971 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
stop node 4799124129 for route relation 7164076 is not in the dataset
Stop position "合肥南站" (n8506489721) is not on tracks (relation 5964920, "合肥轨道交通1号线(合肥火车站→九联圩)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5964920, "合肥轨道交通1号线(合肥火车站→九联圩)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5964922, "合肥轨道交通3号线(幸福坝→相城路)")
Missing colour on a route (relation 7164076, "合肥轨道交通S2号线")
Hohhot Y J M sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 44 / 44 int: 0 / 1 e: 0
Ambiguous station 新华广场 in route. Please use stop_position or split interchange stations (relation 11697807, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(阿尔山路→塔利东路)")
Ambiguous station 新华广场 in route. Please use stop_position or split interchange stations (relation 11697808, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(塔利东路→阿尔山路)")
Found 0 interchanges, expected 1
Hole in route rails near node n7093521678 (relation 10454992, "呼和浩特地铁1号线(伊利健康谷→坝堰(机场))")
Hole in route rails near node n7769995150 (relation 10513261, "呼和浩特地铁1号线(坝堰(机场)→伊利健康谷)")
Hole in route rails near node n6769029066 (relation 11697807, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(阿尔山路→塔利东路)")
Stop "水上公园" (pos) is 234 meters from the tracks (relation 11697807, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(阿尔山路→塔利东路)")
Hole in route rails near node n6769029066 (relation 11697808, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(塔利东路→阿尔山路)")
Stop "水上公园" (pos) is 234 meters from the tracks (relation 11697808, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(塔利东路→阿尔山路)")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 11697808, "呼和浩特地铁2号线(塔利东路→阿尔山路)")
Hong Kong Y J M sub: 10 / 11 lr: 12 / 12 st: 336 / 330 int: 17 / 0 e: 42
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 6715113, "鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 6715113, "鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay")
stop node 2308405057 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102298, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
stop node 2308405024 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102298, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
stop node 2308404918 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102298, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
An under construction feature w222092399 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 6102298, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
stop node 2308405006 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
stop node 2308404957 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
stop node 2308404964 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
An under construction feature w222092401 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 290162486 in route (relation 6582965, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 236053425 in route (relation 6582965, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 272264988 in route (relation 6582965, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 272264989 in route (relation 6582966, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 236053428 in route (relation 6582966, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Unknown member type for way 28262889 in route (relation 6582966, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
An untagged object w567738525 in a stop_area_group (relation 11701745, "")
Found 10 subway lines, expected 11
Found 336 stations in routes, expected 330
Subway entrance is not a node (way 765674148, "B1")
Hole in route rails near node n330384210 (relation 269669, "港鐵荃灣綫 MTR Tsuen Wan Line (南行 Southbound)")
Multiple platforms for a station "3" (w254297781) in a route relation (relation 269672, "將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line (北行 Northbound)")
Angle between stops around "機場 Airport" is too narrow, 34 degrees (relation 5317238, "機場快綫 Airport Express")
Multiple platforms for a station "3" (w251613611) in a route relation (relation 5317239, "機場快綫 Airport Express")
Angle between stops around "機場 Airport" is too narrow, 34 degrees (relation 5317239, "機場快綫 Airport Express")
Platform with invalid role 'platform_edge' in a route (way 958446610, "2")
Multiple platforms for a station "" (w958446610) in a route relation (relation 6102298, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Hole in route rails near node n2179507768 (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Stop position "啟德 Kai Tak" (n2524919264) is not on tracks (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Platform with invalid role 'platform_edge' in a route (way 958446610, "2")
Multiple platforms for a station "" (w958446610) in a route relation (relation 6102299, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Platform with invalid role '' in a route (way 220343052, "1")
Stop position "紅磡 Hung Hom" (n2179557432) is not on tracks (relation 6582965, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Hole in route rails near node n2179507768 (relation 6582966, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Stop position "紅磡 Hung Hom" (n243845077) is not on tracks (relation 6582966, "港鐵屯馬綫 MTR Tuen Ma Line")
Hole in route rails near node n1705336999 (relation 6723726, "東涌綫 Tung Chung Line")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9736602, "將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line (通过分支 branch)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6658068, "觀塘綫 Kwun Tong Line (調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng → 彩虹 Choi Hung)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6658069, "觀塘綫 Kwun Tong Line (調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng → 觀塘 Kwun Tong)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6658070, "觀塘綫 Kwun Tong Line (黃埔 Whampoa → 觀塘 Kwun Tong)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 12619403, "輕鐵751P綫 Light Rail 751P (天逸 Tin Yat → 兆康 Siu Hong)")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 2941692, "輕鐵705綫 Light Rail 705 (天水圍循環綫 Tin Shui Wai Circular)")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 2941790, "Light Rail 706 輕鐵706綫 (天水圍循環綫 Tin Shui Wai Circular)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6587830, "東鐵綫 East Rail Line (旺角東 Mong Kok East → 羅湖 Lo Wu)")
26 unused stations: n1690407912, n3424509124, n3433943210, n6503565368, n6715085265, n6715085267, n7801123225, n7878125028, n7920720341, n8058139791, n8068871440, n8868542170, n9061718476, n9061784768, n9062047168, n9062047204, n9062205661, n9062205662, n9062205663, n9062205664, ...
Found 42 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n1276680606, n1279026536, n1279026544, n2555854348, n2555863739, n3230273821, n4276009223, n4402756982, n515688146, n5220743103, n5274674609, n5890284960, n6155837516, n6579966180, n6827749143, n6844920874, n6876936124, n6948560579, n6948560580, n6948560581, ...
50 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n1276680606, n1279026536, n1279026544, n2555854348, n2555863739, n3230273821, n4276009223, n4402756982, n515688146, n5220743103, n5274674609, n5890284960, n6132030479, n6132030484, n6132033285, n6155837516, n6579966180, n6827749143, n6844920874, n6876936124, ...
Found 17 interchanges, expected 0
Jinan Y J M sub: 3 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 18 / 23 int: 0 / 0 e: 66
Unknown member type for relation 12686484 in route (relation 8306848, "济南轨道交通2号线")
Unknown member type for relation 12686483 in route (relation 8306848, "济南轨道交通2号线")
An under construction route w940618437 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 8306848, "济南轨道交通2号线")
stop node 8651324866 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8690737723 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8690745255 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 5776278251 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8697342224 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8697322882 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8701518816 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8701656405 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8701671032 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8701722982 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8711102809 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 8693803515 is not connected to a station in route (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
Route has no stops (relation 8466367, "3龙洞—>滩头")
stop node 6147692710 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9461609, "1工研院—>方特")
stop node 5310375463 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9461610, "1方特—>工研院")
stop node 8693803516 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8711102808 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8701722983 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8701671033 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8701656406 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8701523717 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8697322883 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8697342220 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8693784206 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8690745256 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8690737724 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8651324867 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
Route has no stops (relation 10513362, "3滩头—>龙洞")
stop node 8852940083 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 5622487913 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 8712295265 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 8712270993 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 5622488229 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 5624799093 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 5624799096 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 5624799098 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 8711267364 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 8711181101 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
Route has no stops (relation 12686483, "2王府庄—>彭家庄")
stop node 8711181102 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8711267365 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8711767116 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8711793082 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8711806448 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8712232544 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8712270994 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8712295266 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8712270990 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
stop node 8852940084 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
Route has no stops (relation 12686484, "2彭家庄—>王府庄")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 8306848, "济南轨道交通2号线")
An empty route master r10513363. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 3 subway lines, expected 2
Found 18 stations in routes, expected 23
Kunming Y J M sub: 5 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 90 / 93 int: 9 / 9 e: 4
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4508011, "昆明地铁2号线")
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5456208, "昆明地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5456208, "昆明地铁1号线")
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5456209, "昆明地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7909741, "昆明地铁1号线")
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7909741, "昆明地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7909742, "昆明地铁1号线")
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7909742, "昆明地铁1号线")
stop node 2824151306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7909745, "昆明地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7909745, "昆明地铁1号线")
Found 90 stations in routes, expected 93
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5456210, "昆明地铁3号线")
Stop "机场前" (pos) is 51 meters from the tracks (relation 5456211, "昆明地铁6号线")
Stop "机场前" (pos) is 51 meters from the tracks (relation 8040142, "昆明地铁6号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 11645555, "昆明地铁4号线(金川路-->昆明南火车站)")
2 unused stations: n2788302392, n9006301320
Found 4 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7934202863, n7934202864, n7934202865, n7934202866
5 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7934202863, n7934202864, n7934202865, n7934202866, n8872371487
Lanzhou Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 19 / 19 int: 0 / 0 e: 9
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 10380192, "兰州轨道交通1号线")
1 unused stations: n6563941767
Found 9 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8491951934, n8750109329, n8750109330, n8750126585, n8750126586, n8750126587, n8750126589, n8750126590, n8750126591
9 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8491951934, n8750109329, n8750109330, n8750126585, n8750126586, n8750126587, n8750126589, n8750126590, n8750126591
Luoyang Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 19 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n8064502044 (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415408995 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8064502059 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8064951104 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415408999 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409000 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409001 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409002 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 6898512273 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 7826533689 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 5259367052 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 6898512270 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 6898530585 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409003 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409004 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409005 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 6898512266 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409006 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8415409007 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 6898512276 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
Route has no stops (relation 12542585, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(红山➡杨湾)")
stop node 8976618164 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618163 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618162 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618135 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618160 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618159 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618158 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618157 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618156 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618155 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618154 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618153 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618152 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618151 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618150 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618149 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618147 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
stop node 8976618146 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
Route has no stops (relation 12942002, "洛阳轨道交通1️⃣号线(杨湾➡红山)")
An empty route master r12942003. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 0 stations in routes, expected 19
Macau Y J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 1 / 1 st: 11 / 11 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
Nanchang Y J M sub: 4 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 97 / 52 int: 0 / 2 e: 9
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7986374, "丁公路北")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7914148, "八一广场")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 8074498, "西站南广场")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 8060655, "八一馆")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 8060655, "八一馆")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7986374, "丁公路北")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 8074498, "西站南广场")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7914148, "八一广场")
Unknown member type for relation 13076769 in route (relation 2843401, "南昌地铁1号线")
Unknown member type for relation 13076768 in route (relation 2843401, "南昌地铁1号线")
Route has no stops (relation 2843401, "南昌地铁1号线")
An under construction feature w871858928 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Unknown member type for way 871865101 in route (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
An under construction feature w379580416 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Angle between stops around "雅苑路" is too narrow, 0 degrees (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "雅苑路" (pos) (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
An under construction feature w872296422 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
An under construction feature w316780103 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
An under construction feature w872297743 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
An under construction feature w872297744 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
An under construction feature w980847294 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
An under construction feature w379580416 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
Unknown member type for node 2227410620 in route (relation 13076768, "Metro 1号线:瑶湖西=>双港")
Unknown member type for node 5305408864 in route (relation 13076768, "Metro 1号线:瑶湖西=>双港")
Unknown member type for node 5305408864 in route (relation 13076769, "Metro 1号线:双港=>瑶湖西")
Unknown member type for node 2227410620 in route (relation 13076769, "Metro 1号线:双港=>瑶湖西")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 4129878, "南昌地铁3号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 4129938, "南昌地铁4号线")
Found 4 subway lines, expected 2
Found 97 stations in routes, expected 52
Found 0 interchanges, expected 2
Hole in route rails near node n3231256908 (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Angle between stops around "地铁大厦" is too narrow, 33 degrees (relation 3067723, "南昌地铁2号线")
Hole in route rails near node n8914621375 (relation 4129878, "南昌地铁3号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 13076768, "Metro 1号线:瑶湖西=>双港")
5 unused stations: n2495937649, n2997907076, n3145593361, n5451794004, n7099392218
Found 9 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n3954726836, n3954726837, n3954735210, n3954735211, n5038068248, n8176154291, n8176154292, n8540399989, n8997132381
29 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n3954726836, n3954726837, n3954735210, n3954735211, n5038068248, n8169555195, n8169555196, n8169555197, n8169555198, n8169555199, n8169555200, n8169555201, n8169599627, n8169599632, n8169599644, n8169599649, n8169599654, n8169599655, n8169599656, n8169599657, ...
Nanjing Y J M sub: 11 / 10 lr: 0 / 0 st: 187 / 174 int: 14 / 13 e: 0
Found 11 subway lines, expected 10
Found 187 stations in routes, expected 174
Hole in route rails near node n8044345128 (relation 1529760, "南京地铁10号线: 安德门 => 雨山路")
Found 14 interchanges, expected 13
Nanning Y J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 86 / 87 int: 7 / 7 e: 0
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9660626, "南宁轨道交通3号线(平良立交-->科园大道)")
1 unused stations: n4018278952
1 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n9125446580
Found 86 stations in routes, expected 87
Ningbo Y J M sub: 5 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 103 / 104 int: 6 / 6 e: 0
Untagged object in a route (relation 10383347, "S3号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 10383348, "S3号线")
Hole in route rails near node n4496178790 (relation 7883943, "宁波轨道交通2号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 10383240, "宁波轨道交通3号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 12106703, "宁波轨道交通4号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 12144418, "宁波轨道交通4号线")
20 unused stations: n2969814137, n3740822478, n4496682770, n4496682775, n4496683493, n4496683496, n4496683509, n4496683512, n4496683531, n4496683539, n4496683542, n4496683545, n4496683554, n4496683566, n4496683578, n4496683580, n4496683582, n4496683583, n4496683584, n4496683585
Found 103 stations in routes, expected 104
More than one network: 宁波市轨道交通 (4); None (1)
Qingdao Y J M sub: 6 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 110 / 85 int: 4 / 3 e: 45
stop node 8989665687 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13068448, "青岛地铁8号线")
stop node 8989665690 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13068449, "青岛地铁8号线")
Found 6 subway lines, expected 4
Found 110 stations in routes, expected 85
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7883241, "青岛地铁3号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5108871705 (relation 10467351, "青岛地铁11号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5108871661 (relation 10467352, "青岛地铁11号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13067813, "青岛地铁1号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13067814, "青岛地铁1号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13068448, "青岛地铁8号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13068449, "青岛地铁8号线")
Found 45 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7648702509, n7649912419, n7655326887, n7655333096, n7655341282, n7655341304, n7655341867, n7655342862, n7655343103, n7663531527, n8946542607, n8946542608, n8946542609, n8946542610, n8946542611, n8946542612, n8946542613, n8946542614, n8946542615, n8946542616, ...
45 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7648702509, n7649912419, n7655326887, n7655333096, n7655341282, n7655341304, n7655341867, n7655342862, n7655343103, n7663531527, n8946542607, n8946542608, n8946542609, n8946542610, n8946542611, n8946542612, n8946542613, n8946542614, n8946542615, n8946542616, ...
Found 4 interchanges, expected 3
More than one network: None (4); 青岛地铁 (2)
Shanghai Y J M sub: 17 / 17 lr: 2 / 2 st: 444 / 468 int: 59 / 56 e: 4
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7846617, "娄山关路")
Stop area has multiple stations (relation 7846617, "娄山关路")
Angle between stops around "莘庄" is too narrow, 4 degrees (relation 199200, "Metro 1号线: 富锦路 → 莘庄")
stop node 3800385645 is not connected to a station in route (relation 443258, "上海磁浮示范运营线")
Route has only one stop (relation 443258, "上海磁浮示范运营线")
stop node 3800385644 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5178631, "Metro 16号线: 普通,滴水湖 → 龙阳路")
stop node 3800385648 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5611325, "Metro 2号线: 浦东国际机场 → 徐泾东")
stop node 5308572449 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5611326, "Metro 2号线: 徐泾东 → 浦东国际机场")
Stop "宝安公路" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Stop "友谊西路" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Stop "富锦路" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "莲花路" (pos) (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
stop node 3800385643 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6803856, "Metro 16号线: 普通,龙阳路 → 滴水湖")
stop node 4571267595 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6819599, "Metro 7号线: 美兰湖 → 花木路")
stop node 4571266922 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6819600, "Metro 7号线: 花木路 → 美兰湖")
stop node 3800385646 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9786758, "上海磁浮示范运营线")
Route has only one stop (relation 9786758, "上海磁浮示范运营线")
stop node 3800385644 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10241348, "Metro 16号线: 大站,滴水湖 → 龙阳路")
stop node 3800385643 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10241349, "Metro 16号线: 大站,龙阳路 → 滴水湖")
An empty route master r9786759. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 444 stations in routes, expected 468
Hole in route rails near node n469774469 (relation 199189, "Metro 10号线: 航中路 → 基隆路")
Hole in route rails near node n8835962390 (relation 199200, "Metro 1号线: 富锦路 → 莘庄")
Hole in route rails near node n622161445 (relation 214629, "Metro 9号线: 松江南站 → 曹路")
Hole in route rails near node n9045526531 (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Stop "共富新村" (pos) is 202 meters from the tracks (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Angle between stops around "富锦路" is too narrow, 21 degrees (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
Stop position "莘庄" (n4559664167) is not on tracks (relation 6806163, "Metro 5号线: 莘庄 → 闵行开发区")
Hole in route rails near node n5019791206 (relation 7451832, "Metro 8号线: 市光路 → 沈杜公路")
Hole in route rails near node n5019789927 (relation 7451834, "Metro 9号线: 曹路 → 松江南站")
Hole in route rails near node n8942618037 (relation 7452116, "Metro 10号线: 基隆路 → 航中路")
Hole in route rails near node n469774469 (relation 7452117, "Metro 10号线: 虹桥火车站 → 基隆路")
Hole in route rails near node n8942618037 (relation 7452118, "Metro 10号线: 基隆路 → 虹桥火车站")
Route "磁浮线" has different ref from master "磁浮(Maglev)" (relation 9786758, "上海磁浮示范运营线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 199200, "Metro 1号线: 富锦路 → 莘庄")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6800210, "Metro 1号线: 莘庄 → 富锦路")
22 unused stations: n119214061, n5851143329, n5851143332, n5851143333, n5851143334, n5851143335, n5851143336, n5851143337, n5851143338, n5851143340, n5851143377, n5851143382, n5851143384, n5851144324, n7111417239, n7111417240, n7111417241, n7111417242, n7550669926, n9008134438, ...
Found 4 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n5621621173, n8971539268, n9075175246, n9075175247
4 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n5621621173, n8971539268, n9075175246, n9075175247
Found 59 interchanges, expected 56
Shanghai - S-train Y J M sub: 0 / 0 lr: 1 / 1 st: 8 / 8 int: 0 / 0 e: 1
58 unused stations: n2448270617, n2448270639, n3024235394, n3024239751, n4559664169, n4559664170, n4559664184, n471013542, n4714766414, n5263921177, n5306402943, n5306402944, n5306402945, n5306402946, n5306402947, n5306444952, n5306464702, n5306464703, n5306464704, n5306464705, ...
Found 1 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n3114816135
1 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n3114816135
Shaoxing Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 10 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
stop node 8895038391 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514232 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895038398 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514233 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895038416 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514234 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078424 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 973001689 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078433 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514235 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8840612885 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514236 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078440 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 970514238 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078462 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 967715857 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 967715858 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078477 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
platform way 973001688 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
Route has no stops (relation 12894636, "绍兴轨道交通1号线下行")
stop node 8895078502 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 973001688 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598195 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 967715858 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598194 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 967715857 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598193 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514239 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598141 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514237 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598148 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514235 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598192 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 973001689 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598191 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514234 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598189 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514233 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
stop node 5040598186 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
platform way 970514232 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
Route has no stops (relation 12920989, "绍兴轨道交通1号线上行")
An empty route master r12920991. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 0 stations in routes, expected 10
Shenyang Y J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 86 / 91 int: 3 / 7 e: 0
Untagged object in a route (relation 5490396, "沈阳地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 5490397, "沈阳地铁2号线")
An under construction feature w904770260 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 5490397, "沈阳地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7894480, "沈阳地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7894588, "沈阳地铁2号线")
An under construction feature w904770260 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7894588, "沈阳地铁2号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893303, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893303, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893303, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893304, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893304, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 9893304, "沈阳地铁9号线")
Found 86 stations in routes, expected 91
Found 3 interchanges, expected 7
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5490396, "沈阳地铁1号线")
Stop "塔湾街" (pos) is 77 meters from the tracks (relation 11123210, "沈阳地铁10号线")
Stop "塔湾街" (pos) is 77 meters from the tracks (relation 11123254, "沈阳地铁10号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 11123254, "沈阳地铁10号线")
2 unused stations: n6509971325, n8398052325
13 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7484715672, n7484863397, n7484871960, n7484871962, n7484929558, n7484929559, n7484929560, n7484954444, n7484954446, n7484956079, n7484956080, n7484956081, n7484956083
More than one network: Shenyang Metro (3); None (1)
Shenzhen Y J M sub: 11 / 10 lr: 0 / 0 st: 197 / 266 int: 19 / 0 e: 17
stop node 4144635648 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287554, "地铁 1号线:罗湖 -> 机场东")
stop node 4465651761 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
stop node 4141113601 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
stop node 4137604162 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
stop node 9061784736 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
stop node 1657111615 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
stop node 9062047201 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062047186 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062047165 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062047162 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016289 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016291 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016293 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016294 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016296 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016298 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016287 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9062016301 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
An under construction feature w664761991 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
An under construction feature w664761995 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
stop node 9061785124 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785172 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785179 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785182 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785206 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785127 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785119 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785247 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9061785251 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n6673778461 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n6673778450 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n8057913435 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction feature w972415169 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction feature w972415170 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
An under construction feature w709906014 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
stop node 9062180230 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752389, "地铁 5号线:赤湾 -> 黄贝岭")
stop node 2300657362 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752389, "地铁 5号线:赤湾 -> 黄贝岭")
stop node 1947316503 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752389, "地铁 5号线:赤湾 -> 黄贝岭")
stop node 2301379836 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2752389, "地铁 5号线:赤湾 -> 黄贝岭")
stop node 5214783848 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6450277, "地铁 11号线:福田 -> 碧头")
stop node 9062211295 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 3424535425 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 8068871295 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 8068871292 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 3424509113 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 1690407917 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 3424499357 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 4141099287 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 3424499341 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 4141182657 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 3424479284 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
stop node 9062016300 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016286 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016299 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016297 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016295 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016292 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016290 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9062016288 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 2491110021 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 1709807032 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 1709807011 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
An under construction feature w228400116 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
An under construction feature w664761994 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 6673742550 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7913935, "地铁 1号线:机场东 -> 罗湖")
stop node 6273255015 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9318441, "地铁 11号线:碧头 -> 福田")
An under construction stop n4417339392 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
An under construction stop n3801907498 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
An under construction stop n3801907502 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 6715099885 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9061785118 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9061785128 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 7487846512 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9061785125 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
An under construction feature w376804122 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
An under construction feature w972415171 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
An under construction feature w972415168 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
stop node 3424479284 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 4141182657 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 3424499341 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 4141099287 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 3424499357 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 1690407917 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 3424509113 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 3424535442 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 3424535425 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
stop node 9061785053 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785065 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785078 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785088 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785099 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785008 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785018 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785034 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061785004 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9061784968 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 1657111615 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 4137604162 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 4141113601 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 4465651761 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9629886, "地铁 3号线:双龙 -> 福保")
stop node 9062180332 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180306 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180257 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180355 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180342 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180393 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180395 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180414 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180450 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180465 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180539 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180527 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180520 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180500 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180493 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062180229 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
stop node 9062297099 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062297101 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062297104 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301121 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301134 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301162 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301180 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301198 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301219 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301220 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301318 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301305 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301290 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301255 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301471 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301444 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301329 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301409 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301400 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301390 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301381 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301360 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301350 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301571 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301567 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301563 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301552 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301535 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301514 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 9062301576 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
Route has only one stop (relation 9699771, "地铁 9号线:前湾 -> 文锦")
stop node 3617131435 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617696930 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617121285 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617121273 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617131452 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617121270 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617121271 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617131446 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617131430 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617131524 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 7490905987 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617121279 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 3617131393 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180169 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180219 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180209 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180204 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180193 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180190 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 9062180187 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
stop node 5740964937 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 5909950626 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 7822253175 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 7822253176 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 7430210316 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 7822253177 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 7822253173 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180126 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180139 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180157 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180046 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180068 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062179964 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180001 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180005 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 3617131430 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180025 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062180030 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062179949 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062179958 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 3617121273 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062179921 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062179930 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062166412 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062166414 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9062166416 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
stop node 9063423460 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423463 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423464 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423466 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423468 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423470 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423473 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423475 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423476 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423478 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423480 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423482 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423484 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423486 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423488 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423490 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063427832 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423493 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423495 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423498 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423500 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423504 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423506 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
Route has only one stop (relation 11583538, "地铁 10号线:福田口岸 -> 双拥街")
stop node 9063423505 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423503 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423501 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423497 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423496 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423494 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 7725723556 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423491 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423489 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423487 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423485 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423483 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423481 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423479 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423477 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423474 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423472 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423471 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423469 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423467 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423465 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423462 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 9063423461 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
Route has only one stop (relation 11583621, "地铁 10号线:双拥街 -> 福田口岸")
stop node 3434027354 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3436825131 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434027336 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434027325 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 1657111624 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031739 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 4142215167 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031740 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031541 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031694 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 4140857801 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031577 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031589 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031748 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 9062301330 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3434031586 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3433970889 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 3433943197 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 7710295431 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
stop node 4136030489 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
An under construction stop n3801922015 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n8057913440 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n3801921968 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n3801921967 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n4417072597 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n4417339392 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction feature w864520847 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
Route has no stops (relation 13176925, "地铁 8号线:盐田路 -> 莲塘")
An under construction stop n8057913435 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction stop n6673778659 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction stop n6673778619 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction stop n6673778602 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction stop n6673770874 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction stop n8057913441 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
An under construction feature w864520848 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
Route has no stops (relation 13176926, "地铁 8号线:莲塘 -> 盐田路")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 13163478, "地铁 9号线:文锦 -> 前湾")
An empty route master r11583622. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r13176927. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 11 subway lines, expected 10
Found 197 stations in routes, expected 266
Stop position "益田‎" (n1690407912) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "少年宫‎" (n2750252763) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "莲花村‎" (n1657111618) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "华新‎" (n1657111621) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "红岭" (n4142219905) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "老街" (n5214588592) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "晒布" (n1657111625) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "翠竹" (n1657111623) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "田贝" (n6491337280) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "水贝" (n1689942217) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "大芬" (n5214690542) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "丹竹头" (n5214690539) is not on tracks (relation 2287559, "地铁 3号线:福保 -> 双龙")
Stop position "西丽" (n5463494741) is not on tracks (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Stop position "珠光" (n8068871311) is not on tracks (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Stop position "深云" (n8068871283) is not on tracks (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Stop position "安托山" (n8068871270) is not on tracks (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Stop position "农林" (n8068847337) is not on tracks (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Stop position "元芬" (n8008654722) is not on tracks (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
Stop position "上芬" (n8008654667) is not on tracks (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
Stop position "红山" (n2300251861) is not on tracks (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
Stop position "深圳北站" (n7822253163) is not on tracks (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2287563, "地铁 4号线:福田口岸 -> 牛湖")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 7713527, "地铁 4号线:牛湖 -> 福田口岸")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2752374, "地铁 2号线:赤湾 -> 莲塘")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9622750, "地铁 2号线:莲塘 -> 赤湾")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2752389, "地铁 5号线:赤湾 -> 黄贝岭")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9645951, "地铁 5号线:黄贝岭 -> 赤湾")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 6781618, "地铁 7号线:西丽湖 -> 太安")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 9629865, "地铁 7号线:太安 -> 西丽湖")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 11583141, "地铁 6号线:松岗 -> 科学馆")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 11583148, "地铁 6号线:科学馆 -> 松岗")
125 unused stations: n1716044103, n3433943210, n3617131554, n5441594278, n6222320312, n6222320327, n6222320336, n6222320387, n6222320418, n6222340011, n6222340013, n6222340026, n6610120377, n6715085280, n6715085282, n6715085284, n7116490671, n7484104362, n7725723554, n7725723555, ...
Found 17 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7151183303, n7191811489, n7509598990, n7763563907, n8309038496, n8328222783, n8328222784, n8328222785, n8382967022, n8382967023, n8534755708, n8616573316, n8662418900, n8922523200, n8930476549, n9048219969, n9048219970
39 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n2780527101, n2780527149, n2780527243, n7151183303, n7191811489, n7311745416, n7311745435, n7484117207, n7484117208, n7484117209, n7484117210, n7509598990, n7625872900, n7625872901, n7763563907, n7977056038, n8087236428, n8221908428, n8221908429, n8309038496, ...
Found 19 interchanges, expected 0
Shijiazhuang Y J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 60 / 63 int: 0 / 3 e: 0
Untagged object in a route (relation 6898662, "石家庄地铁3号线")
stop node 4939314415 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6898664, "石家庄地铁1号线a")
stop node 6265397608 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6898664, "石家庄地铁1号线a")
stop node 6265397608 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7841838, "石家庄地铁1号线")
stop node 4939314415 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7841838, "石家庄地铁1号线")
Untagged object in a route (relation 7841853, "石家庄地铁3号线")
Found 60 stations in routes, expected 63
Found 0 interchanges, expected 3
Suzhou Y J M sub: 5 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 168 / 134 int: 14 / 8 e: 5
Found 5 subway lines, expected 4
Found 168 stations in routes, expected 134
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7889176, "苏州轨道交通一号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5469477457 (relation 7889201, "苏州地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7889201, "苏州地铁4号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5469477457 (relation 8439220, "苏州地铁4号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5469477457 (relation 8439221, "苏州地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 8439221, "苏州地铁4号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5469477457 (relation 8439222, "苏州地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 10488901, "苏州地铁3号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 12910757, "苏州地铁5号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12910757, "苏州地铁5号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13091427, "苏州地铁5号线")
28 unused stations: n5851143316, n5851143317, n5851143357, n6172569921, n6172569922, n6172569923, n6172569924, n6172569925, n6172569926, n6172569927, n6172569928, n6172569929, n6172569930, n6172569931, n6172569932, n6172569933, n6172569934, n6172569935, n6172569936, n6172569937, ...
Found 5 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8057387475, n8926935200, n8926978246, n9106517259, n9106517272
24 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n6399879621, n6399879622, n7349699514, n7549306617, n7549306618, n7550860066, n7550928888, n7550929289, n7774690629, n7774690630, n7774690631, n8041253018, n8057387475, n8481909295, n8481909296, n8481909297, n8481909298, n8502329021, n8502329022, n8926935200, ...
Found 14 interchanges, expected 8
More than one network: Suzhou Rail Transit (4); 苏州轨道交通 (1)
Tianjin Y J M sub: 6 / 6 lr: 0 / 0 st: 159 / 159 int: 14 / 15 e: 0
5 unused stations: n8649316532, n8649316533, n8649316534, n8649316535, n8649316536
2 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8508321759, n8508321777
Found 14 interchanges, expected 15
Wenzhou Y J M sub: 2 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 0 / 18 int: 0 / 0 e: 44
stop node 5960741603 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741602 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741601 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 7038874068 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741596 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741597 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741598 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5960741599 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327011921 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327010620 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327011676 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327011635 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327011660 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327011656 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327010588 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327010601 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327010600 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 5327010602 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505921 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505925 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505927 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505930 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505933 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972505940 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972528319 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972528322 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972553707 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972553712 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972553715 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972555422 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713651 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713654 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713682 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713660 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713662 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
platform way 972713673 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
Route has no stops (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
stop node 9000852946 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9000852944 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9000852959 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002708349 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9000853054 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9000853161 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001022276 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001022275 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001253090 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001253154 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001253357 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001268808 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002687539 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9001490012 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002687882 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002688089 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002688200 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
stop node 9002688266 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505922 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505924 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505928 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505931 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505934 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972505941 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972528320 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972528323 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972553708 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972553713 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972553716 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972555423 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713652 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713655 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713682 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713661 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713663 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
platform way 972713674 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
Route has no stops (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
An under construction feature w736808895 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w828297299 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w736808893 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863928 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w828297300 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863921 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863923 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863922 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863926 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863927 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863925 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w988863924 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
An under construction feature w828297301 in route. Consider setting 'inactive' role or removing construction attributes (relation 13282128, "S2")
Route has no stops (relation 13282128, "S2")
An empty route master r13084233. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r13282128. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 2 subway lines, expected 1
Found 0 stations in routes, expected 18
Route "#1b61ae" has different colour from master "0000ff" (relation 13084224, "温州轨道交通S1线上行")
Route "#1b61ae" has different colour from master "0000ff" (relation 13084225, "温州轨道交通S1线下行")
Hole in route rails near node n6898365888 (relation 13282128, "S2")
Found 44 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n7807464003, n7807464006, n8914997263, n9000852961, n9001269022, n9002675480, n9002675483, n9002675509, n9002675515, n9002687527, n9002687535, n9002688108, n9002688111, n9002688186, n9002688188, n9002688273, n9002688287, n9002737056, n9002737057, n9002737058, ...
44 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n7807464003, n7807464006, n8914997263, n9000852961, n9001269022, n9002675480, n9002675483, n9002675509, n9002675515, n9002687527, n9002687535, n9002688108, n9002688111, n9002688186, n9002688188, n9002688273, n9002688287, n9002737056, n9002737057, n9002737058, ...
More than one network: 温州轨道交通 (1); None (1)
Wuhan Y J M sub: 9 / 9 lr: 0 / 0 st: 240 / 228 int: 27 / 25 e: 6
Route has different network ("武汉地铁") from master "武汉轨道交通" (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Route has different network ("武汉地铁") from master "武汉轨道交通" (relation 7964883, "武汉地铁8号线")
Found 240 stations in routes, expected 228
Duplicate element in a stop area (relation 7715814, "友谊路")
Hole in route rails near node n5485747490 (relation 444615, "武汉地铁1号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 444615, "武汉地铁1号线")
Hole in route rails near node n8022775836 (relation 5454751, "武汉地铁2号线")
Stop position "中南路站" (n2398956481) is not on tracks (relation 5454751, "武汉地铁2号线")
Hole in route rails near node n6863963837 (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "洪山广场" (n5227950236) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "楚河汉街" (n1446238233) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "青鱼嘴" (n1446238244) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "东亭" (n5227950248) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "岳家嘴" (n5227950252) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "铁机路" (n2134350579) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "罗家港" (n5227950280) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "园林路" (n5227950359) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "仁和路" (n5227950369) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "工业四路" (n5227950407) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "杨春湖" (n5227950408) is not on tracks (relation 5454752, "武汉地铁4号线")
Route "#ed7800" has different colour from master "#ee7800" (relation 6768164, "武汉地铁7号线")
Hole in route rails near node n4848963449 (relation 7964883, "武汉地铁8号线")
Hole in route rails near node n1703123735 (relation 8309086, "武汉地铁1号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9588291, "武汉地铁3号线")
Stop position "中南路站" (n2398956481) is not on tracks (relation 9592189, "武汉地铁2号线")
Stop position "常青城" (n5165635507) is not on tracks (relation 9592189, "武汉地铁2号线")
Stop position "宏图大道站" (n5216576666) is not on tracks (relation 9592189, "武汉地铁2号线")
Stop position "航空總部" (n5165635629) is not on tracks (relation 9592189, "武汉地铁2号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9617426, "武汉地铁7号线")
Route "#ed7800" has different colour from master "#ee7800" (relation 9617426, "武汉地铁7号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9617429, "武汉地铁6号线")
Hole in route rails near node n5227950188 (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "杨春湖" (n5227950408) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "工业四路" (n5227950407) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "仁和路" (n5227950369) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "园林路" (n5227950359) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "罗家港" (n5227950280) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "铁机路" (n2134350579) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "岳家嘴" (n5227950252) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "东亭" (n5227950248) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "青鱼嘴" (n1446238244) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "楚河汉街" (n1446238233) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "洪山广场" (n5227950236) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "孟家铺站" (n3541570165) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Stop position "黄金口" (n3541570172) is not on tracks (relation 9633081, "武汉地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 9765655, "武汉地铁阳逻线")
Route "21" has different ref from master "Yangluo" (relation 9765655, "武汉地铁阳逻线")
Route "21" has different ref from master "Yangluo" (relation 9765659, "武汉地铁阳逻线")
1 unused stations: n8340409987
Found 6 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8301451240, n8301451245, n8301451250, n8928864497, n8928864503, n8928864509
6 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8301451240, n8301451245, n8301451250, n8928864497, n8928864503, n8928864509
Found 27 interchanges, expected 25
Wuxi Y J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 69 / 69 int: 3 / 3 e: 12
Xi'an Y J M sub: 10 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 58 / 107 int: 0 / 7 e: 3
stop node 5218208144 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454552, "西安地铁1号线")
stop node 5218208143 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454552, "西安地铁1号线")
stop node 2702279000 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 1626880538 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 5218241221 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 5218241222 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 5218241223 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 9006301334 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 5218241183 is not connected to a station in route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
stop node 2972583313 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 9006301334 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 2972585951 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 2977172952 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 5218356752 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 6506125724 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 6506125729 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 6506125693 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 7411636714 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
stop node 9006301333 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
Route has no stops (relation 7869227, "西安地铁二号线")
stop node 7414241460 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7869252, "西安地铁一号线")
stop node 5218208142 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7869252, "西安地铁一号线")
Route has no stops (relation 7869254, "西安地铁三号线")
stop node 6164695398 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695396 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695395 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695283 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695281 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695279 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695273 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695268 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695260 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 2972585951 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695245 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 7959561661 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695238 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695231 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695204 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695202 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695198 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695195 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695192 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164695189 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164692579 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164692576 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164692565 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164692562 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 6164692558 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 8964619146 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
Route has only one stop (relation 9807756, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 1626880538 is not connected to a station in route (relation 9807762, "西安地铁四号线")
Route has no stops (relation 9807762, "西安地铁四号线")
stop node 7411636716 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 7411636714 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 7411636713 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619152 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619146 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 7039495528 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964747010 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619164 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619168 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619190 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 8964619194 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
stop node 7414241460 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971294673 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971294707 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971294670 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 7145773797 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324330 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324334 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324338 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324327 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971370510 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971294694 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324350 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971294660 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 7146850537 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
stop node 8971324321 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
Route has no stops (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
Public transport version is 1, which means the route is an unsorted pile of objects (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927574 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927600 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927605 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 5218356752 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927434 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 7411452225 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 7959561661 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927756 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927766 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927783 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 7171518644 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927792 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927395 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927798 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927808 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927815 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927839 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927841 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927868 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927895 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927912 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898928283 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898928290 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 6898529981 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898928311 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898928338 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898928339 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898747460 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 9032386274 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
Route has only one stop (relation 12925431, "西安地铁5号线")
Public transport version is 1, which means the route is an unsorted pile of objects (relation 12925432, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 8898927390 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12925432, "西安地铁5号线")
Route has no stops (relation 12925432, "西安地铁5号线")
stop node 7171518644 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040749, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 9006301333 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040749, "西安地铁6号线")
Route has no stops (relation 13040749, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 7172028957 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8968582952 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8968582934 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 7172018351 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 7414306437 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8968582920 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8968582918 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8617662682 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8617662671 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 4139893201 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8617662659 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
stop node 8968582947 is not connected to a station in route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
Route has no stops (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
Route has no stops (relation 13042239, "西安地铁9号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 5454552, "西安地铁1号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 5454553, "西安地铁2号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7869252, "西安地铁一号线")
An empty route master r7869254. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r9807766. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r13042254. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r12925442. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
An empty route master r13040751. Please set construction:route if it is under construction
Found 10 subway lines, expected 5
Found 58 stations in routes, expected 107
Found 0 interchanges, expected 7
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 5454552, "西安地铁1号线")
Hole in route rails near node n7413677603 (relation 7719093, "西安地铁3号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7869252, "西安地铁一号线")
Hole in route rails near node n3246065322 (relation 7869254, "西安地铁三号线")
Hole in route rails near node n6907144391 (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 10608559, "西安地铁9号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13040749, "西安地铁6号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13040750, "西安地铁6号线")
Missing colour on a route (relation 13042239, "西安地铁9号线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10381386, "西安地铁14号线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10381396, "西安地铁14号线")
Found 3 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8898927556, n9021958021, n9084199370
3 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8898927556, n9021958021, n9084199370
Xiamen Y J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 70 / 70 int: 5 / 5 e: 6
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n8322345413 (relation 12893647, "厦门轨道交通3号线(蔡厝→厦门火车站)")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n8735500604 (relation 12893654, "厦门轨道交通3号线(厦门火车站→蔡厝)")
5 unused stations: n8829387988, n8829387989, n8829387992, n8829387993, n8829387994
Found 6 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n8428746664, n8428746713, n8433568075, n8433596140, n8520019665, n8520019676
6 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n8428746664, n8428746713, n8433568075, n8433596140, n8520019665, n8520019676
Xuzhou Y J M sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 52 / 54 int: 2 / 3 e: 0
stop node 6838446727 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6705866, "徐州地铁2号线")
stop node 6838446728 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6705867, "徐州地铁3号线")
stop node 6838446727 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12935362, "徐州地铁2号线")
stop node 6838446728 is not connected to a station in route (relation 12935363, "徐州地铁3号线")
Found 52 stations in routes, expected 54
Found 2 interchanges, expected 3
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 6705866, "徐州地铁2号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 6705867, "徐州地铁3号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 12935363, "徐州地铁3号线")
22 unused stations: n6838446737, n6838446739, n6838446740, n8269092423, n8269092424, n8269109615, n8270403720, n8270403721, n8270403723, n8270403736, n8270403737, n8270403740, n8270403747, n8270403771, n8270403773, n8270403774, n8270403775, n8270403776, n8270403777, n8270403780, ...
2 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations: n4469602253, n4469602254
More than one network: 徐州地铁 (1); None (2)
Zhengzhou Y J M sub: 7 / 5 lr: 0 / 0 st: 105 / 101 int: 8 / 6 e: 0
stop node 6853125704 is not connected to a station in route (relation 6517211, "郑州地铁2号线")
stop node 6489311183 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7587728, "5")
stop node 5115224503 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7587728, "5")
stop node 6489312564 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7587728, "5")
stop node 6853125704 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7846275, "郑州地铁2号线")
stop node 5105079192 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
stop node 5105079204 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
stop node 4608373347 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
stop node 4608373314 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "华南城东" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "华南城" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "华南城西" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "小乔" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "后胡" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "沙窝李" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "十八里河" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop "南四环" (pos) is nowhere near the tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "兰河公园" (pos) (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
stop node 6489312564 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10387098, "5")
stop node 5115224503 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10387098, "5")
stop node 6489311183 is not connected to a station in route (relation 10387098, "5")
Multiple stops for a station "月季公园" (n6489312528) in a route relation (relation 10387098, "5")
Stops on tracks are unordered near "市中心医院" (pos) (relation 10387098, "5")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7587773, "郑州地铁4号线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 12924886, "郑州地铁3号线")
Found 7 subway lines, expected 5
Found 105 stations in routes, expected 101
Hole in route rails near node n8914768644 (relation 7587773, "郑州地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7587773, "郑州地铁4号线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 7871045, "郑州地铁1号线")
Hole in route rails near node n8898766995 (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop position "康平湖" (n8899417527) is not on tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Stop position "兰河公园" (n8899417526) is not on tracks (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Angle between stops around "综保区" is too narrow, 38 degrees (relation 7871539, "郑州地铁城郊线")
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 10126426, "郑州地铁14号线")
Hole in route rails near node n8986930250 (relation 12924886, "郑州地铁3号线")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 10387098, "5")
41 unused stations: n3717120379, n8241861389, n8241861391, n8241861392, n8241861393, n8241870358, n8241870359, n8241889183, n8241891120, n8241891121, n8241891122, n8241891123, n8241891124, n8241891125, n8241908787, n8241908788, n8241908789, n8259984490, n8259984491, n8259984492, ...
Found 8 interchanges, expected 6
Ürümqi Y J M sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 21 / 21 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n7276601195 (relation 6228180, "ۈرۈمچى مېتروسى 1- لىنىيە")
The dataset is missing the railway tracks node n7276601195 (relation 8742571, "ۈرۈمچى مېتروسى 1- لىنىيە")

Produced by Subway Preprocessor on 04.10.2021 12:48.