Subway Validation Results for Bulgaria

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Sofia Y J M sub: 4 / 4 lr: 0 / 0 st: 59 / 61 int: 2 / 3 e: 0
stop node 8700208804 is not connected to a station in route (relation 406492, "M1 Бизнес парк София → Сливница")
stop node 401623983 is not connected to a station in route (relation 7734090, "M1 Сливница → Бизнес парк София")
stop node 8700208804 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11613156, "M4 Летище София → Обеля")
stop node 401623983 is not connected to a station in route (relation 11613157, "М4 Обеля → Летище София")
Found 59 stations in routes, expected 61
Found 2 interchanges, expected 3
Route "M4" has different ref from master "4" (relation 11613156, "M4 Летище София → Обеля")
Route "M4" has different ref from master "4" (relation 11613157, "М4 Обеля → Летище София")
2 unused stations: n8700208805, n9140654197

Produced by Subway Preprocessor on 04.10.2021 12:48.